Tuesday, November 3, 2015


This photo was taken around high noon today. I was all by myself without any other Homo sapiens within a stone's throw. It's November but the sun was scorching, hot and humid. Luckily, it was too hot for the mosquitoes and not one came to collect my blood. Look up in the sky and you can see an airliner probably taking off minutes ago from Miami International airport about 16 miles due North of this location. There must be many human beings in that flying craft heading southwesterly to who knows where? In the foreground, you see a lone grey egret. He/she is my friend for the moment but never let me get close. Some friend, I am telling you. The dead palm tree is not cut down because some family of birds lives there.

And this is Miami today... with me in it, insignificant being in an infinitesimally small piece of earth on a trifling third rock from a banal mid life star within an inconsequential galaxy... This reminds me of an obscure poem by an unknown poet:

O dark, dark , dark...
They all go into the dark...
The interstellar spaces...
The vacuum into the vacuum.

With the sun in my back, this is my dark side on a nugatory Tuesday.
My Dark Side

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