Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Miami On Fire

Here is a collage of some of today's photos of the royal poincianas in Miami. There are so many it will take weeks to see them all. There used to be a yearly selection of the best tree in Miami, but I am not sure it is still being held now. The judges flew in a helicopter to view and rate the trees from the air. Today, my local tour only took about half an hour by car, and I hurried to take only about fifty photos. The yellow ones probably will peak in a week or two.

Crimson Blooms


  1. The bottom center tree is one of the best poinciana trees in Miami. The owner of the tree worked at the Coral Gables Country Club many years ago (Doris). She would tell everyone at the club to be sure to drive by and see her tree. I go by every year. It was trimmed this fall, otherwise the flowers would cascade to the ground. I have many favorite trees in our county.

  2. I agree w/ you. It looked even better without that fence they added. The one in the center of my photo is also spectacular. It is in a "cul de sac" street across from Doris' house, just one street North, on the West side. Its spread is less but it is much younger.
