Monday, June 11, 2007

Outdoor cafeteria

This is the good life graduate students at UM/RSMAS can have during the hard studying years in various marine sciences: enjoy lunches at the outdoor cafeteria overlooking Biscayne bay. The modern white concrete building is the Henry L. Dougherty Marine Science Center which includes the Auditorium, the Computing Center, F. G. Walton Smith commons (cafeteria, bar) among others. Faculty members' offices are to die for, some of which with secluded ocean view but only full professors with tenure need apply. This photo is taken from the RSMAS pier at Government Bear cut looking Northwest (see Sunday June 10, 2007 blog and also here.)

FG Walton Smith commons

1 comment:

  1. A nice photograph. I like it and would love the view too.

    I have 1 baby raccoon today and a pile of poop!
    Brookville Daily Photo
