Monday, April 27, 2009

Coconut Grove Temple

While getting lost in the Grove, I came across this temple. I understand one can come dine here, but I don't think I will. The Hare Krishna mantra was strong in the 60's and its movement appeared in a number of famous songs, notably those sung by The Beatles, with the lyrics of John Lennon ('Across The Universe' in 1969,) and after the break up those of George Harrison and Ringo Starr and has been at the number-one spot in the UK singles charts on more than one occasion within songs such as My Sweet Lord. There is also a reference to singing kirtan of Hare Krishna mantra in I Am The Walrus (Penguins singing Hare Krishna). Ringo's song containing the words "Hare Krishna!" was written with the help of George. Later Paul McCartney produced a single with a picture of Krishna riding on a swan on the cover, although there wasn't any chanting of Krishna's names inside.

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  1. I would like permission to use this photo. Please email me at Thank you.
