Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bay Day

Today is Miami Bike Day in Coconut Grove. Most of the main streets is closed to automobile traffic and open only to bicycles, skateboarders, rollerbladers, walkers, etc. You can guess it: Traffic is a big mess! The whole Grove is going green and going orange as orange is the theme of the event which is the color of the Netherlands, celebrating their Queen Beatrix' birthday on April 30th. To live green, the bicycles rule.

I was joining the annual Bay Day here so I had to sneak my way through the barricades to get to the bay to sail in the blue Biscayne bay and serve hamburgers to the kids. What a great day we had and the inner city kids had a ball doing kayaking, sailing, music and art at the annual Shake-A-Leg sponsorship. Look ip up, Google "Shake A Leg."

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