Saturday, April 25, 2009

Great Fortune

Prosperity Buddha is believed to be one of the most popular deities for those who want to have a constant flow of auspicious news and wealth. He is constantly traveling, carrying a sack filled with money for wealth, wu lous for health, and an auspicious talisman to bless the business or abode. This Buddha is a very popular Feng Shui enhancer used by authentic Feng Shui Masters in Asia (this intensely interesting subject is worthy of an entire blog some day.) This one in a restaurant today carries the magic gourd said to contain the elixir of immortality and a peach bowl in his left hand signifying longevity and good fortune. Periodic worship for reinforcement is done here with incense burning and offerings of food. Just to be sure, the business owners use real greenbacks sticking on his good luck belly. In other words, the Works! With what we paid for lunch, that sure worked for the owner.

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