Saturday, May 23, 2009

Loving It

It's that time of the year in Miami: rainy afternoons and thunderstorms. Although their flowers drop faster, this yellow poinciana (Delonix regia var "Goldiana?") loves it. See how happy these flowers and busting buds are? This blog was edited according to Tog's comment. Thanks, Tog.


  1. I posted a yellow poinciana Saturday, June 16, 2007. Check the name. I'm sorry that I didn't catch your name the first time you used it. Years ago when there were only four yellow poinciana trees in the area, people thought that the Peltophorum pteracarpum was a yellow poinciana.
    One of those first four yellow poinciana trees was mine. And in the last 30 years I gave many people seedling plants from my tree.

  2. Tog, you are absolutely correct. It's Delonix regia. I would call it "Delonix regia var "Goldiana?"" Thanks for keeping me honest. I was in a hurry and trusted a bad internet page although I should know better.
