Sunday, May 24, 2009


Saw this today at a friend's house. I was told this bean is edible and invited to try a fresh one from the plant. Are you kidding me? I was told also to munch on some kind of a small leaf that is as sweet as sugar without the calorie. Really? No, thanks but no, thanks! I have no idea what this vine is. The one thing I am sure of is that Miami is the paradise for vines. Tons of them in every size, shape, form and color.


  1. In the United States, lablab bean usually is grown as an ornamental. It has a strong beany smell when they are cooking. In Asia and Africa lablab is grown for food. Lablab bean is an good nitrogen fixer and is sometimes grown as a cover crop. I saw it growing in Georgia when I was in college.

  2. Thanks Tog, so this is Dolichos lablab, a bean vine. Many parts of the vine are edible, but...
    Dry seeds should be well cooked in two changes of water before eating. Raw dry seeds are poisonous and can cause vomiting, labored breathing, and even convulsions and unconsciousness.
