Sunday, October 21, 2007

No Vampires

Outside the room where I hole up in my house is a prolific vine that was started a long time ago. It's Mansoa Alliacea, or commonly known as the Garlic Vine. This vine blooms spectacularly in the Springs and Falls like during this week. Its flowers have deep lavender color with white throat fading to a paler lavender and then white. Do not grow this vine if you are Count Dracula because it smells garlic when the leaves are crushed. The entire plant, roots, vine and leaves can be used as garlic; and as a herbal to reduce fever, treat colds, throat and respiratory ailments. It is also rumored that it helps you getting rid of bad luck. That may be true because Dracula is plenty of bad luck! You don't want to mess with him! I'll go out tonight and crush some leaves, just to be on the safe side!

Count Dracula


Mike's Travels said...

Beautiful photo. I love the smell of garlic.

TOG said...

I know the vine very well, but I just thought that it was eye candy. Have you ever used in cooking?

Lan said...

Anything I use in cooking MUST come from Publix supermarket! Not sure what my wife uses. But I hate garlic.