I am SHOCKED! To begin, let me remind you of my recent blog. See what I said there? "Where is the police when we need them?" I wish I hadn't said that...
Heading to meet two friends for lunch at this restaurant in downtown South Miami, a very pleasant upscale neighborhood. Just Sunday, they had a Santa's Elves parade here. So I expect to have a very pleasant lunch with friends. How WRONG I was! I parked my car to the right of the restaurant. Being 15 minutes early, I walked across the street, took 2 identical photos one of which is this blog. That was all the time it took for a police car arriving with all lights flashing to stop in front of me. The police officer came directly to me and asked what I was doing there? I told him I took some photos. What for? For my MiamiEveryDay blog... What? Oh, that's one of the City Daily Photo blog on the net. What? So I told him that I guess I know what's happening, and he confirmed that someone had called the police and I was singled out! An entire suite of adjectives came through my mind, all from my secret dictionary of words not to use casually! Not for the police, but for the person who called. Of course, I was very politely asked to show my ID, which I had to take out of my wallet. I was also asked to show my business card. Just my lucky day that I had two in my wallet. I usually never have any. Now the police officer got my two valuable ID pieces and he was in conversation with some remote location. I was asked if I was ever arrested. The answer was no. (I thought to myself, not yet! But this does not look good!) I was asked to go across the street so he can move the police car (with wonderfully beautiful multicolor flashing lights, perfect for the approaching Xmas spirit) out of traffic. Of course I obliged. I told the officer, who was very nice that I am about to have a lunch meeting here in about 5 minutes, at 1:00 o'clock, and that I can show him my MiamiEveryDay blog in his car (because they do have internet connection in patrol cars,) I was asked again if I was ever arrested. The answer was still no. I decided to call my lunch friends to ask them to hurry and come to my aid. Gary came after he found a place to park his car to say that yes, he enjoys my blog, and yes, I take a photo of Miami everyday to blog, and yes, my blog does some good press for the city and he even took me to "Jimbo's" for a wonderful blog. Did it help? Nah! Didn't think so. I was asked if I make money with this blog. Are you kidding? At my rate, I am losing tons of money spending time doing this thing "pro bono!" So... to make a LONG story short, I was let go scott free! Without a citation or a ticket! Thank goodness. There is a God after all! Thank you, thank you! I was so shocked and upset (internally) that my luch went to hell. It was a bad meal! I forgot what I ate! The owner of the restaurant said he did not call the police. Of course, if I were him, I would deny it as well. Hhmmm... I wonder who that was??? Mystery! My consolation for the day? My friend Gary told me I was almost arrested by a police Sergeant, no less! Whew!