Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Blues

It's dark inside this skating ring of Super Wheels in South Miami. On a Sunday afternoon during Spring Breaks where the kids do not have schools, I'd say business is not so hot. In happier times, this place used to be alive with kids, but not today. There were only a couple of birthday parties. Bring in the clowns!

Dark Skating Ring

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I happen to think you are quite wrong. Apparently you have not been there recently. Taking into consideration that you wrote about Easter Sunday, I would want to believe that maybe families had other things to do. (unlike yourself)
If you were to stop by Super Wheels Skating RINK at any moment during the summer you would see that your blog is incorrect.
Stop by on a Monday night which is Adult Night (if you are old enough) and see for yourself.

A Devoted Skater!