Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Harvesting Longans

Deep in the south of Miami is farm land where you see trees more than you see buildings. Gradually, avocados and even mangos are replaced by more exotic fruit trees such as longans, lychees, carambolas, guavas, sugar apples, jack fruits and many others, including the highly sought after herbs and spices essential for preparing flavorful and exotic dishes. At this time, the longans are in full swing and this very large grove is in high gear. All the trees are loaded and the work to pick, pack and ship the fruits is labor intensive. These trees are trimmed yearly so the fruits are more easily picked.

My longan trees are never trimmed so this year, the fruits are so high touching the blue sky they are left for the birds and squirrels. If I am lucky, I can get a few that fall to the ground and not yet eaten by others. And that's enough for me.
Longan Grove

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