Saturday, February 11, 2012


It's getting ugly outside and I am not getting out of my house today, now that I already sneaked out quickly to take this shot. This cold front is here and the temperature is dropping steadily. It's down to 68 degrees Fahrenheit now from a balmy 72 just a few hours ago and it will get down to be 48 tonight. The photo is that of my Ok Rong mango tree in its best behavior with full bloom. With this cold front that arrives just at the right time, I think we'll have lots of Ok Rong mango in July. What I am watching is my longan trees. They need to have temperatures at or below 68 degrees Fahrenheit to fruit. All the trees are flushing out new growths and it is going to be below 68 degrees F, just what the doctor ordered. If the new leaves decide to make longan flower buds, I'll let you know. All my friends are counting on that.
Cold Front

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